
Showing posts from October, 2018


While we are not being directly affected by Michael in the East Pasco area, many of my family and friends to the north are or will be. It's amazing that just over a year ago I was in Taylorsville, Mississippi escaping Irma. A few weeks ago, that same area took basically a direct hit from a hurricane, albeit a small one if not a tropical storm. And here we are almost half-way through October and Michael is about to hit land. I leave you with an image found online...

Praying Hands and Cleaning House

Let's start with the cleaning house bit. No, not my actual house. I recently went through the blogs that I follow list and removed several from my list. Mainly due to inactivity for more than a year. While doing this, I noticed several are no longer available and/or have no way to "Unfollow." I wonder how I can remove those from my list? Life goes on, I suppose... I have done a bit more stitching on Praying Hands in recent weeks and have meant to share a post before now. I'm hoping to pick up my stitching again in coming weeks. For now, I am taking things slow as I continue to deal with some health issues. Have a few more tests to do and then I'm sure there will be consults. Possibly surgery. But all I can do is put my faith in God's plan for me.