Happy Veteran’s Day


veteran's day 2012

Well, this month is off to a good start. I started my new job on the 5th and think it’s gonna work out well. The only down side so far is that just before I left the prison, I caught whatever has been going around. I am still recovering, but feeling more like myself again. I didn’t get much stitching done over the past week or so. I didn’t even work on my CH4TH SAL with Lana over at A Joyful Stitcher. I hope she was able to get some work in on hers.

I think I will spend some time on mine this weekend!

Not much else to share at the moment. Stay tuned for a small Holiday giveaway announcement later this month.


Mii Stitch said…
Hope you get better soon & glad you're enjoying your new job ☺
Lana said…
I meant to contact you about our SAL! I wasn't able to work on mine at all! I was not home, we went to visit Hubby's dad and I have been gone for 9 days!! We just got home last night! We gotta reschedule! Ps- did you send me your sickness? I'm sick now! Bah! LOL Hope you're feeling better and I hope the job continues to be a great thing for you!!
Nicola said…
So pleased you are enjoying your new job. Hope your cold is well gone now.
Mii Stitch said…
Mii again! Check my blog, I'm talking about you ☺
Loraine said…
Good luck on your new job. I hope you are enjoying it! Love your stitching and your little cat. Too cute.

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