The Book of Job

I have read through Chapter 3 in the book of Job so far. I am taking part in a Bible Study through Good Morning Girls . If you're not familiar, click on the button to the left or on the link in this post. So, as I said, I have read through chapter 3. Normally when I read Job I just plow right through it. I have read it several times in my life. It is my all time favorite book. This time, however, I am reading it in a different manner. I am taking my time, moving at the pace of the Bible Study, and reflecting on what I read. So far, I feel like I am getting more out of it than I did in previous reads. This book is primarily about suffering and what we do in difficult times. Namely, how we handle the storms in life. I know I need a lot of work in this area. I think that's why Job appeals to me so much: I can relate. I just wish I would allow these teachings to sink in; like the phrase "Storms in life" referring to Peter walking on water and keeping his eyes on Jesus. On...