January 1, 2017

This year will be a year of deepening my relationship with Jesus! This morning, we had a wonderful worship service at church with a guest sitting in on the drums. He is 9 years old - and man can he play drums! Unfortunately, the video file size is too big to include on this post. Anyway, this evening, my other half and I sat around the dining room table indulging in a little sparkly. I kept my limit to 2 glasses. While I was hesitant to try it because it's a red, Cold Duck is actually not that bad. Mind you, I don't really drink alcoholic beverages often and when I do it's typically just a glass or 2 of wine. Here's a couple snaps of of the flutes filled. I looked in several stores for flutes with New Year's designs already on them to no avail so I made my own. I used Puffy 3D Glitter Paint. It served it's purpose! Enough about the alcoholic beverage. On to more important things: Jesus! So after I finished my 2nd glass, we continued our discussion on Jesus but d...