It's just not the same...

So on my Facebook memories came up a picture from 2013 when I made a Cherry Chip cake with Cherry Frosting. I am now craving a cherry chip cake with cherry frosting. The only problem is, I am in Florida and the cherry chip cake mix is in Michigan. At least that's the only place I can find it. At Meijer! So I shared that Facebook memory and my angst today with a subtle hint about sending me a care package. I wonder if she will actually do it, lol! She hasn't actually commented on it yet. Hmmm... So, my boy friend made a pumpkin spice cake a few days ago and used some cherry frosting we happened to have. It was good! I like spice cake. But, it's just not the same... Tonight, I'm going to be dreaming about Cherry Chip cake with Cherry Frosting.