
Showing posts from January, 2018

Not much to say

But so much on my mind. I get annoyed so easily anymore. Especially when I feel like a bomb is going to drop. I've been untrusting of certain people for a long time now. It's not really their fault. Well, not completely. A few have earned my distrust. Which is truly sad. For them and me. There's a lot about my life I don't divulge easily. More for protection so that kind of hurt can never cross me again. Also because I just don't want to talk about it. When I find myself questioning things, I don't do what I should do: Trust God. Does that make me a hypocrite? I don't know. What I do know is my questions don't seem to get answers until I do turn it over to HIM. And even then I don't always like HIS answer. That makes me human, I suppose. And I don't think I'd want to be anything other than human. Certainly not super-human! I'll leave that to Superman and the like. LOL So where am I going with this post? I don't think far, but we...

2018 Has Arrived!

Ok, so I'm a little late getting the Happy New Year out to you. It's been a busy couple of weeks for me since the year changed over. I am teaching two classes this semester at the college. This is my 7th semester of teaching. I am thoroughly enjoying it; more than I anticipated. Church is keeping me somewhat busy. I am still working as part of the 11 am worship team, albeit behind the scenes. I keep threatening to sing with them, but I don't think they would like that. At least my cat likes to hear me sing, lol. Right now we are in a series called "Limitless." It's been insightful! I have my Life Group on Sunday evenings. I may be the youngest in the group, but I love being a part of it. Maybe I keep them feeling young, lol. Nah, it's a great group of people who are in various walks in their relationship with Jesus. We are working our way through the Old Testament searching for Jesus. It's amazing just how much he truly is in the OT. Our next b...