Someday... Yea

I wish I could tell you how I really feel. The flirting is fun, but I am beginning to develop feelings that go beyond friendship. Maybe you're not the one. Maybe you are. Only God knows for sure. I just want to say the words, but find those words sticking - not coming out. Why are you so handsome, so kind, so funny and fun? Why did you come into my life? Am I reading too much into the flirtatiousness? Am I just that lonely and longing for companionship, fulfilling companionship? I don't know. I do know there is a fine line. I do know that the sound of your voice, the emails and texts, they all bring a smile to my face. At a time when I feel so much sadness. I know the desires of my heart. God knows the desires of my heart. Do the two really meet? Or is it just my mind and the games of the dark one?