
I belong to a group on Facebook (or Fakebook, if you will) that is all about debating current topics. It seems most people on there would rather hate on those who don't agree with them than actually discuss the topic at hand. We can post about any topic, which depending on the "hot topic" of the day can be anything from racism to the president. There was a period of time where every other post was about racism. It got to a point where one of the founding members actually left the group and tried to close it down. It was a crazy few days to say the least. Anyway, I write about this group here (not mentioning it by name and if you are a member please don't mention in comment) because recently someone posted about the US getting involved in other country's issues. More specifically, this person posted images (before and after) of specific countries. I am not quite sure if this person understands why we become involved so often, so I explained that there is this thing...