Time goes by…
Sorry it’s been a while since my last post. I have been working 4 ten hour shifts Mon – Thur and by Friday all I wanna do is lay around in bed. I have been doing some stitching on the weekends and will probably continue in this fashion for a few more weeks. A lot of changes are happening in my life right now, especially at my job. I am not sure if they are good yet or not, but will be on a more regular posting schedule soon. That said, I spent a little time on an old favorite this weekend: Butterfly and Shamrocks Wreath . Remember this piece? Yeah, I have been working it on and off for a couple of years now; much like most of my other WIPs, lol! I am really gonna do my best to finish it by Spring so I can turn it into a pillow and send it to my niece. Would love to see an Easter finish, but time will tell. I also almost had a finish over the weekend. It’s an ornie I started last Nov or Dec. I have a little bit more to go and hope to finish it tonight before I hit the sack. If n...