Time goes by…

Sorry it’s been a while since my last post. I have been working 4 ten hour shifts Mon – Thur and by Friday all I wanna do is lay around in bed. I have been doing some stitching on the weekends and will probably continue in this fashion for a few more weeks. A lot of changes are happening in my life right now, especially at my job. I am not sure if they are good yet or not, but will be on a more regular posting schedule soon.

That said, I spent a little time on an old favorite this weekend: Butterfly and Shamrocks Wreath.


Remember this piece? Yeah, I have been working it on and off for a couple of years now; much like most of my other WIPs, lol! I am really gonna do my best to finish it by Spring so I can turn it into a pillow and send it to my niece. Would love to see an Easter finish, but time will tell.

I also almost had a finish over the weekend. It’s an ornie I started last Nov or Dec. I have a little bit more to go and hope to finish it tonight before I hit the sack. If not tonight, then for sure next weekend!

Hope everyone is well out there in stitchy-land!

~~~Until next time~~~


Veronica said…
Your Butterfly and Shamrocks Wreath is lovely. Look forward to seeing your ornie finish. Take care!

Teresa said…
Love the wreath. So colorful.
Teresa's Heartfelt Stitches
Nicola said…
Your butterflies are exquisite.
Dani - tkdchick said…
Wow, those are long days! Take care of yourself!!!

That wreath will be so lovely!
Kalu V said…
great progress ! it looks beautiful so far

i have the same schedule as you 10 hours mon-thurs and sometimes half day fridays ...most fridays its so hard for me to get up since im already so tired

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