
Showing posts from January, 2013

My Security Blanket

Growing up, my mom used to tease me about my “bu bankey”. It was my security blanket, and I was very much like Linus from the Peanuts cartoon. I carried that blanket everywhere and I sucked my thumb, LOL! I am not too proud or embarrassed to admit that fact. I think I have grown and am enjoying “My (new) Security Blanket” almost as much as I did “bu bankey”. Here is my progress: If it hadn’t fallen apart, I think I’d still have that damn blanket! ~~~ Until Next Time ~~~

Shall I Lead or Follow?

I like reading my horoscopes from time to time. Yes, you read that right, horoscopes. You see, I was born in the center of the cusp. For those of you who aren’t familiar, the cusp is a week long transition period between the signs. I am one of the lucky ones who can follow 2 different signs: Taurus and Gemini. So today, I saw something that peaked my interest and thought I would share. ******** Leader or follower? Taurus (April 20 – May 20) When it comes to leading and following, Taurus could go either way. But in many ways, you’re more naturally a follower. With your innate, grounded creativity, you can tweak someone else’s high-flying ideas and create them in the real world. You tend to be careful and thorough, and have excellent determination and endurance – important qualities when it comes to seeing a project through to completion. However, you also thrive in a leadership position. Stubborn at your core, you don’t like to be pushed; you’ll dig your heels in if someone...


I have been dealing with this illness for many years now. I’ve always been as open as possible with family and friends when it comes to my illness, but there are times when I just want to hide it away and act as if it doesn’t exist. Lately, I have been going through a terrible spell with depression. It’s obvious to those around me that something is not quite right. Life has dealt me blows through the years and I have been able to bury the emotional pain away. It has come to a point in my life where I can no longer bury it; I have to DEAL! I used to think that my depression was more of a situational thing. You know, something bad happens, you get sad, you move on. I realize more than ever that I have methodically withdrawn from my life. I would make excuses as to why I couldn’t go out with friends or why I shouldn’t be in a relationship with a man or whatever. At first it was that I was going to school and my studies were more important. Then it became the major move I made in my lif...

My Security Blanket

Well, I have a little start on this piece: As I was gathering the floss from my stash I found that I have about 2/3 of the colors. Guess I have to go shopping at the end of the month. DARN!


That’s the only way I can describe much of my day today. I went to the hospital thinking it was just for a consult. Had I known what was gonna happen I would have brought someone with me. Couple the physical pain I felt during the procedure with the emotional pain I have been dealing with and I can only say that I am truly thankful I have God on my side. I don’t think I would have made it through without Him today. Now, I await the results of the biopsy and pray all will be normal. It’s in His hands…

2013 is off …

…to an interesting start. It’s been weird adjusting to life without my dad. I miss him every day. Last week was especially difficult for me. I went on a short vacation to visit a dear friend, someone whom I have loved for many years, and watching this man interact with his child made me miss my dad more. Don’t get me wrong, it’s good to miss daddy from time to time and last week was especially bittersweet. I really enjoyed my time there, even though at times I’m sure he didn’t think so, lol. It was a bit awkward as we hadn’t seen one another in a long time. But, I digress… While there, I came to some realisations about myself. One of the biggest is one that will remain between me, him and God. The other big one was that I am craving to learn more from God. I have been trying to spend more time in my Bible (I have been informed that I need to get the King James Version and put away my NIV; which I will). I actually do enjoy the olde English better anyway, just a bit rusty at reading...

Happy to be Home

I had a nice mini-vacation. I wish it could have lasted longer. Then again, it was plenty long enough. I learned a bit about myself while away. Nothing I will share right now. I just know that despite progress I have made over the past year emotionally, I have a long way to go. And on that note, I have decided to start a new project for the year. It is called “My Security Blanket” by Patricia Allison. It calls for 28ct Lugana in Days Gone By, but I am going to use 28ct Irish Linen in Tea. I have probably half of the floss colors called for at this time. I will work with what I have for now and purchase what I need at a later date. Got some bills that are a wee bit more important that stashing right now, lol. I have also decided, for the new year, to do something new on the blog. I am going to use labels specifically to the name of the design I am working on from this point forward.

2012 In Stitchy Review

I don’t think I have ever posted a year in review type post before. I just thought it would be nice this time. So here goes: Finishes VIEW SLIDE SHOW DOWNLOAD ALL Progress ...