2013 is off …

…to an interesting start.

It’s been weird adjusting to life without my dad. I miss him every day. Last week was especially difficult for me. I went on a short vacation to visit a dear friend, someone whom I have loved for many years, and watching this man interact with his child made me miss my dad more. Don’t get me wrong, it’s good to miss daddy from time to time and last week was especially bittersweet. I really enjoyed my time there, even though at times I’m sure he didn’t think so, lol. It was a bit awkward as we hadn’t seen one another in a long time. eph 521But, I digress…

While there, I came to some realisations about myself. One of the biggest is one that will remain between me, him and God. The other big one was that I am craving to learn more from God. I have been trying to spend more time in my Bible (I have been informed that I need to get the King James Version and put away my NIV; which I will). I actually do enjoy the olde English better anyway, just a bit rusty at reading that translation.

For this reason, I have decided to make 2013 into my year. My prov 2030year to delve deeper into my faith and understanding of God’s word. My year to make more changes in my personal growth mentally and physically. My year to become a better me and find my way back to the “fighting Irish” woman I once was. The “I don’t take no crap from anyone” woman. I will do this for myself. I will do this for God.

I am also reading a book called “Love and Respect” by Dr. Emerson Eggerichs. It was recommended and there is a workbook that accompanies it. For right now, I have the text. It is quite eye-opening a slap in the face. After reading the first chapter, I realised everything I did wrong in past relationships. I will strive to be more respectful in my actions and words. And when I am disrespectful, an apology will surely follow. I am glad he recommended this book (among others that will be on my must read for this year).

 eph 533

These are words to live by…


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