
Showing posts from December, 2013

It's Almost Over...

...2013 that is! I wasn't sure if I was going to post again before the end of this year or not, but decided to share progress on "The Gardeners". If you remember, this is where I last left things. I haven't stitched on it all year. Well, this is what it looks like as of last night (when I put it up for the night): The Gardeners by Elsa Williams ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Abu Sandy to the left The cats got their flea baths tonight! They weren't too happy with me, but now I think they've calmed down. They're not scratching as much as many of the fleas are dead. Here's what my drowned rats looked: For a short while, Abu wouldn't let Sandy into my room. She growled and whined at him. I finally scared him off. Although he only went as far as my bed. Made Sandy feel a little better though. Yet he still wants to "stalk" her, lol.  

Post Christmas post (pic heavy)

Well, I spent part of the afternoon/evening (prevening for those "Big Bang Theory" fans) at my sister's. Got to play with the grand-nieces. So much fun! While Jesus IS the reason, it's truly about the kids on Christmas day. Here are some pics of my day: The nephew, his wife and the grand-niece: Melissa, David Jr and Sophia My sister The niece and grand nieces: Maislin, Kathy and Leighlan Cousins My step-mom has improved on her selections for me!  (I really dislike the fact that I cannot use Windows Live Writer on this computer. My pics are so disorganized :( ) I missed my mom, niece and brother in Michigan, but kinda thankful I wasn't able to go there this time as they were without power last weekend due to ice storms. Yeah, I don't miss that weather one bit! But it would have been nice to spend the holiday with my mom. Maybe in 2014... I also missed my dad. I really wanted to go to my sister's earli...


From Jules (me), Sandy (the diva) and Abu (the thief)  

Sweet Homemade Surprise

My best friend and her son, Noah, made me a sweet Christmas gift this year.   The reindeer is Noah's thumbprint! Merry Christmas to all!!!

Drive-by Update

As promised, here is an update on Cirque des Carreaux: And, I recently participated in a Secret Santa Christmas Exchange on Margaret Sherry Lover's blog. Here is what I sent: And here is what I received: Hopefully I will update again before Christmas!