Post Christmas post (pic heavy)

Well, I spent part of the afternoon/evening (prevening for those "Big Bang Theory" fans) at my sister's. Got to play with the grand-nieces. So much fun! While Jesus IS the reason, it's truly about the kids on Christmas day. Here are some pics of my day:

The nephew, his wife and the grand-niece: Melissa, David Jr and Sophia

My sister

The niece and grand nieces: Maislin, Kathy and Leighlan


My step-mom has improved on her selections for me! 

(I really dislike the fact that I cannot use Windows Live Writer on this computer. My pics are so disorganized :( )

I missed my mom, niece and brother in Michigan, but kinda thankful I wasn't able to go there this time as they were without power last weekend due to ice storms. Yeah, I don't miss that weather one bit! But it would have been nice to spend the holiday with my mom. Maybe in 2014...

I also missed my dad. I really wanted to go to my sister's earlier in the day but she just didn't want anyone over before 3pm. I just didn't like sitting around all day and him not being here. We always spent a little time together before going off to whichever family member we decided to spend the day with. I couldn't even cry because it hurt too much. I had a minor procedure on the 12th and had staples in my scalp until the 26th, hence the "hurt too much to cry" as my facial expression pulls my scalp. LOL...TMI, I know. But all is well, the staples are gone, and the cysts are non-cancerous (per usual).

I did pull out "The Gardeners" and put some time in on it this week. I plan to work on it a bit more this weekend. I have 1 of 4 pages completed now. Whew!!! I think the coming year will see me spending more time on my UFOs even if I have to force myself. I have to finish "Coming Home for the Holidays" and Cirque des Carreaux" in 2014. I just have to! Especially the 2nd by Mother's Day. I would love for her to have it hanging on her wall by then.

Hope everyone has safe plans for Tuesday night! Don't drink and drive!! And if I don't get back on here and post before then....





really nice pictures. Have a happy new year.
stitchersanon said…
Lovely pictures. Have a very happy New year and long may all cysts be non-cancerous xxxx
Chris said…
Looks like the kids had a great holiday! Sorry about the other family stuff.
Glad that the cysts are benign.
Happy New Year!!
Preeti said…
Nice to see your family pics !! Hope you are feeling better now. Happy new year to you and may God fulfill all of your wishes :)

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