Sta-cation coming to an end...

...and you think I would have taken advantage of the 2 days I took off and do nothing but stitching! Nope!! I got maybe 3 hours in the whole weekend. I will share pics later. This past weekend was my SAL with Lana over at A Joyful Stitcher. Again, I will post pics later as I haven't taken any yet. I do have to admit it will probably take me the better part of this year on working on this SAL to complete all of the detail work. While I am loving "Coming Home for the Holidays", I will be so glad when it is done. I would really like to start another big Christmas piece, but I refuse to until this one is done. Also, I put my photography skills to use once again at church. I mentioned in a prior post that we are celebrating Pastor's Appreciation month this month. I am thankful to have found a wonderful Church home/family at New River Church. However, I do believe we should celebrate and show our appreciation every chance we get for our Pastor's. Anyhoo, Here is a c...