
Showing posts from June, 2014

June WIPocalypse

I was asked in my last post if I would share what "The Gardeners" is supposed to look like when it's finished. So that is what I am doing for this check in (in addition to answering this month's topic). The Gardeners by Elsa Williams Kit # 02162 I can't remember where I found this kit, but I have had it a number of years. Side note: I am one of those weird one's who enjoys working kits rather than piecing together myself, lol .  Here is where I last left off on this before picking it up again over the past couple weeks: And this is my progress as of the other day: I have actually worked on it a little over the weekend, but I will save that for the next WIPocalypse check-in! And I should have a finish!! And now this month's topic:  Have you ever been to a stitch gathering such as a retreat or a festival? If so, tell us about it! NOPE. And not because I haven't wanted to attend a gathering of some kind. There just isn't ...

The Gardeners...An Update

Just a quick post to share the long anticipated update on The Gardeners. I finally got around to taking a picture.

I am listening...

We have been doing a series at church called "The Voice"; not to be confused with the TV show. It's mainly been about listening to and hearing God's voice when he speaks to us. Whether it be through Bible reading, prayer, in our hearts or even in our dreams when we sleep at night, God speaks to us. He can be soft and subtle, or loud like thunder booming in the sky. I have had moments in my life where something came across to me and it was most likely God giving me direction. Did I always listen to Him? No. Do I always hear Him? Nope. But I do try to listen to Him. This morning, in those wee hours of waking sleep, I was dreaming. I don't know what the dream was about but I did hear something quite clearly: "Friends scatter from friends and meet new faces." I do believe this was God's voice I heard and I do believe He is telling me something; giving me direction. I don't even know if there is anything in the Bible that states this or anythin...