The Gardeners...An Update

Just a quick post to share the long anticipated update on The Gardeners. I finally got around to taking a picture.


It is coming along wonderfully! I really like it very much!
Really pretty. Almost done.
P.J. said…
Very nice indeed!
Sheila said…
Coming along nicely! Very beautiful!
Linda said…
Wonderful progress Jules.

cucki said…
Wow it's so beautiful..
I love it so much x
Annie said…
This is stunning! Wonderful progress and lovely stitching.
Anonymous said…
Hello! Would you post a picture of what the Gardeners is supposed to look like when it's finished? And the details of where it's from? It looks amazing. Might have to add it to my wish list!
I just love this...this is so cute and so are making good progress on this.

Happy Stitching
Linda K, Railroad
Jules said…
Thanks everyone!
Marcy said…
Very pretty and almost finished. Good job!

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