Lost Friend
In July I lost my cat, Emerald, of 17 years. I got her while living in San Diego (with my ex-husband) when she was a year old. She travelled with me from there to Las Vegas, Flagstaff, Lansing, and the Florida. The following poem was originally written after the loss of a dear friend of my ex, but I feel it suits this loss as well.
Black cat

Black as black can be
With fur as soft as cotton
Big beautiful green eyes
That glow as a cat’s eyes should
Playful until all hours in the night
Yet fierce when crossed by foes
Not your typical black cat
Puts all superstitions to shame
Loved by all and loved them all
Black cat remains alive
In one’s memories
November 6, 1991
Black as black can be
With fur as soft as cotton
Big beautiful green eyes
That glow as a cat’s eyes should
Playful until all hours in the night
Yet fierce when crossed by foes
Not your typical black cat
Puts all superstitions to shame
Loved by all and loved them all
Black cat remains alive
In one’s memories
November 6, 1991