Away with 2009...

Welcome 2010!

Yup, that about sums up how I feel about the past year. I didn't have a great year, not one of the best years of my life, but it's over and I will move on! There is about 7 hours and 37 minutes left in 2009 and I have been counting down for about a month now!! LOL

On the stitchy front, I did manage to complete a few things:

  • Polska Sampler
  • Apples
  • Lucky Pillow Wrap (although it still needs a pillow, but the stitching is done and it counts!)
  • a couple of Blackwork pieces
  • Elvis
  • Nautical Sampler by Bucilla
  • Zanesville (one of my own creations)
  • 4 Christmas Cards
  • A Christmas SAL (thanks!)
  • Astral Lion
  • Reindeer ornie (again, the stitching is done)
  • Makin' New Friends (an old WIP)

There may have been a couple of others that I have no recollection nor picture of.

I am working on another Christmas Design SAL with Yoyo and that won't be completed until the end of 2010 sometime. Keep checking in on here for updates! I also intend to work on some more Christmas cards, and maybe throw in a couple of birthday cards for a kick! And I am taking part in the HalloSAL, which is still in well as the TUSAL!!!

As for my WIPs posted on this blog:

  • Cat on Chair (needs to be re-started as the fabric is icky)
  • The Siesta
  • '68 Charger (may need to be re-started)

I am determined to complete those as well!

I have many items listed in my Future WIPs section, and may start one of those over the weekend, or I may start the Austrian I from the latest JCS magazine. I haven't decided yet which way I will go!

As always, I am a graduate student and must devote much of my time to the writing of my Master's Thesis, thus the first half of the year may not see much stitch work.

I am planning to go through my many magazines and booklets to find other projects that I want to do in the near (or not so near) future. Look for that list to appear sometime over the next couple of weeks.

So with that, I will close 2009 and look ahead to a bright and healthy 2010!



Janet said…
Thank you so much for visiting my blog today and leaving a comment! Sounds like your 2010 will be very busy with stitching and the thesis. I'm looking forward to the TU SAL (bought a new container today) and the Christmas Design SAL. I hope you have a great New Year!
Happy New Year Julie. May 2010 bring you much joy and happiness, and of course my stitching time. Cindy

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