As the wind and rain blows...

I sit here an type this blog entry giving you updates on some of my projects. Well, an update and a new start! Can you believe it's the end of January already? It will be St. Valentine's Day in two weeks and I haven't even begun anything for that holiday yet. I did begin stitching The Great Pumpkin Conspiracy by Vicki Hastings of the Cricket Collection. Here is a picture of what I did last night:

I also did some more stitching on '68 Charger. I have all of the car stitched (with the exception of the backstitching) and some of the tree trunk. Here is a picture:

Today, I am going through some of my designs to see if I have anything small and quick so that I may get my four prize winners' packages completed. No, I haven't done the drawing yet. There is still 33 hours left before the giveaway actually closes. Since I won't be drawing until Monday morning, I will let it go until 8am Monday, Feb 1st.


Annie Bee said…
Nice start on the Great Pumpkin Conspiracy. Your charger is looking fantastic.
Shay said…
Your Charger looks amazing!!! Without the backstitch and a partial tree it looks complete!

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