Chilly Tuesday in Florida

Well, it is 68' F as I type this, here in central Florida. And after reading another blogger's post, it appears that we will be getting more of the storms from Northern California. For some reason, their storms end up here and not north of us. Oh well, life goes on...

I finished the second section of the Christmas Design SAL. My design is Coming Home for the Holidays. I know, I posted an update of it yesterday, but here is my submission for this month's work:

And a close up of where I placed the beads on the wreath:

I think it's turning out pretty nice if I do say so myself. :D

Now I will turn my attention to stitching a few card inserts for my mom and the Charger!

Until then...


Annie Bee said…
It sure is lovely and such a peaceful scene too.
Judy S. said…
Beautiful and so much farther along than what I'm doing! I've been sidetracked by wedding gifts. Can't share them yet either.
Cole said…
What a pretty piece! I can't wait to see more of it :)
Anonymous said…
You're right, it IS turning out pretty, it looks lovely.
Carol said…
You're making great progress, Julie...And I don't have much pity for you at 68 degrees--the high is supposed to be only 20 here tomorrow!
Jules said…
Thanks everyone!

Carol, I don't think too many people north of here would have pity on me. I am really trying to send sunshine your way, but it just keeps getting buggered up by the storms coming in from the west.
Janet said…
Lovely progress on your SAL!
Terri said…
Jules this is beautiful. I truly love it :)

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