A couple of Small Finishes and progress

Well, I was trying to get some research in today, but Google Books kept messing up so I decided to do a little stitching. I am also a bit under the weather as I believe the cold conditions in Florida have finally gotten the best of me. So, here are a couple of small finishes:

First up is Pineapple Cone

Stitched on 18-ct Charles Craft fabric
DMC Floss (came with kit)
Designed by: Barbara Bangser
2007 Posy Collection

Next is a bookmark. Part of the design is my own and part is from a magazine (JCS, June 2009). The poem, or rather haiku, is mine as well.

Stitched on 14-ct Aida fabric
Floss color: Dark Brown (left over from Quaker Medallion)

And I have completed part of HalloSAL part 3. I still have a couple of sections to do, but I need to get the right floss first. I decided I didn't want to try to use something similar.

I do intend to stitch a little on the Christmas Design SAL with Yoyo tonight.

Don't forget to sign up for my giveaway! So far there are two who actually posted a comment on the post indicating which mag they would like to receive.


Yoyo said…
These are lovely, but that Pineapple Cone is very different and interesting.
Jules said…
I picked the Pineapple Cone up at Colonial Williamsburg last October. They had such a huge amount of kits on their shelves that it was difficult to choose. I believe that is also where Quaker Medallion came from.
Jen said…
Hi Julie, thanks for your comments on my blog. The frog picture came from Google images. First or second page when you search under 'frog'. There were loads of other fun ones and some pretty horrid real life ones as well.
Judy S. said…
Nice stitching, Julie. That medallion looks like it was a challenging project. I thought your floss collection was a cross stitch shop at first glance! I've been in a cleaning and sortin frenzy but haven't tackled my floss.....
Leeland said…
Love the storage, and the stash inside... ;)
Very beautiful stitching, the haiku on the bookmark is perfect with the design.
Quaker medallion is a beautiful finish, it's very classy.
And the pineapple cone: ditto Yoyo. Very beautiful.
Your Sandy is incredibly cute, just the most beautiful sort of cat IMO. I have a crush for ginger cats...
Will you believe it, I can't wait for my kitties to be a little older and less playful actually... That's a lot of work, a lot of patience, and I'm exhausted... Lol!
It's always great to hear from you, Julie. Thank you for being there, and for sharing on your blogs.
Lots of hugs,
Siobhán said…
Lovely work, Julie! I hope you're feeling better!
Shay said…
I love the Pineapple Cone it is so cute. It would make a cute ornament. Hope you feel better soon.

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