New Stitches

Well, since I have not been exposed to too many different stitches I thought I would give this pattern a try. I found it on Even though the designer used colors related to Valentine's, I thought I would do it in my favorite color: blue. I love all things blue (in case you haven't figured that out yet by the way my blog is set up)!!! Since I have sooooo much extra floss from previous designs, I thought I would use some of that up. So, without further ado, I give you my version of Satin Heart Hardanger:

22-ct. Charles Craft Off-White Hardanger
Satin Stitch in DMC #813
Kloster Block Stitch in DMC #162
Design by: Connie G. Barwick

My intention is to turn this one into an ornament. I also plan to stitch it again and again in other color schemes for St. Patty's Day, Easter, Halloween/Thanksgiving, and Christmas.


Cole said…
Well done! It can be intimidating, but it's always fun to try something new, isn't it?!
Janet said…
The heart is really cute! Stitching more in holiday color schemes is a great idea. Thanks for visiting my blog today. I really appreciate your comments.
Leeland said…
It's beautiful! And I love the idea of trying different color schemes for different occasions.
Hugs sweetie,
DUSTY said…
Lovely heart. I like the blues
Nima said…
that looks awesome....i always love hardanger finishes
Jules said…
Thanks everyone! I am thinking about stitching a few more of these this weekend!

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