Two Card Insearts and a question

I complete two card inserts for my mom over the past couple of days. Each of them took me approximately 5 hours to complete. I am stitching the first 6 inserts on 14ct Sea Green Aida using assorted DMC floss. The designs are from a booklet that came with one of the Cross Stitch Crazy magazines in 2009 called "126 Xmas Designs". Here are the pictures:

I plan to complete 2 each month until November. I am storing them in a Glad storage bag to keep them clean.

Now for my question. I recently asked which way is better when making ornaments. I now would like to know if anyone has, or has seen on another blog, any tutorials on how to make ornaments? In all of the magazines and books I have I cannot find anything the shows the steps clearly enough. For a firmer ornament, what type of backing is used? For a filled, what type of filling is used? I was also wondering if there are any tutorials for biscornus, pin cushions, etc that just gives basic instructions.

Thanks for your help!


Here is a great site which give many finishing instructions.
Annie Bee said…
Lovely finishes. I can't help with the tutorials and would be interested in seeing what other people post.
Yoyo said…
There are hundreds of tutorials for both ornaments and biscornu. Many of them are in French...but the pictures show everything in great detail. I don't speak a word of French but have done really good with their tutorials. But also, Vonna at the Twisted Stitcher's Tutorials has some excellent tutorials, can't remember off hand if she has a biscornu but I'm pretty sure she has a couple of ornament finishes. Focus on Finishing has links to lots and lots of tutorials.

I use anything I can find at the moment for 'stuffing': quilt batting, rice, cotton balls by the ton, foam and styrofoam. You can get regular "stuffing" at most any craft store that sells multi-crafting items.

Hope you get all the info you need. Drop me an e-mail if you'd like more help.
Lorilee said…
I recently used this website for a biscornu.
I agree with Yoyo, Vonna also has great tutorials.
Those card inserts are going to be great!
Jules said…
Thanks everyone! I have a few places to look now for tutorials.

Yoyo - thanks for the heads up about the French language. I have several years of studying that language, so hopefully it won't be too overwhelming.
Carol said…
Here is another site for you, Julie:
The others that were mentioned above are great, too!

Cute card inserts by the way :)

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