2010 Renaissance Festival

(Warning: this post is picture heavy!)

Well, I didn't get much stitching done this weekend - at least not as much as I would have liked. That's alright though. I went to the Renaissance Festival in Tampa with my sister and one of her grand daughters, Kaelynn, this afternoon. We had a great time! Especially since we decided it would be NO MEN ALLOWED! Last year, let's just say the menfolk were acting a bit more like children kept asking "When are we gonna leave?" This year, we were able to enjoy the exhibits and some of the shows without feeling rushed. :)

Here are some pictures from our afternoon:

There were belly dancers…


An elven flutist…


A living tree…


Elephant rides…


A petting zoo (that’s Kaelynn hugging one of the bunnies)…


And signs to guide the way.


At one of the exhibit booths, they were finding pearls in oysters. Now, unlike some places, you are guaranteed at least one pearl. Well, my sister chose an oyster that had twins. We each wound up with a lovely little pearl. Here’s a picture of mine:


This set of twins made 3 in a row, and the exhibitors were quite impressed!

My sister decided that next year she will need some money so she can get her Spock Ears! LOL…she is such a Trekkie!!!

On the stitchy front, I have made a bit more progress on The Great Pumpkin Conspiracy, but I am not sure if I posted a picture recently. Here is where I left off about 2 weeks ago (when I last stitched on it):


I also received the fabric and floss for Ink Circles’ Cirque des Carreaux. I will be using the recommended Crescent Colours “Epiphany” as well as the Lakeside Linens Tarnished Silver fabric. Here is a picture of that:


Finally, I have purchased several patterns from Tanya over at The P2281948Sampler Girl. Two of them were e-patterns and the other two are pictured here:

I think I will personalize the Black Cat pattern a bit to include my black cat’s name, Emerald.


Dani - tkdchick said…
Looks like you had a fantastic time at the Ren Faire. I went to one once and had so much fun! The turkey leg was yummy!
Lainey said…
Looks like a wonderful festival. Your wip looks great, enjoy that lovely new stash!
Carol said…
Having never been to a Renaissance Fair, I really enjoyed seeing your photos, Julie. Looks like you had a great time.

Looks like you're making great progress on your WIPs, too!
Yoyo said…
Oh this looks like sooooo much fun. I love Renaissance Fairs, but you are so right, leave the guys home.

I usually read this in my RSS reader so I hadn't noticed but has anyone told you yet that this template is not showing up correctly in Safari browsers? Lots of times the template author has not checked to see that the template reads well in all browsers. I can see that you have some links at the top under your header, but then Column 2 and Column 3 are placed right on top of them so I can't see them all. Like I said, I usually read from the RSS so it's no biggie for me, but if you want to check it with your other readers it might make a difference for you.
Judy S. said…
Sounds like a fun day, Julie. I love that varigated new floss of yours!
Siobhán said…
It looks like a fun festival! I like your new stash, too.

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