Christmas Design SAL update

Well, I finally put the last stitch in part 3 of my design for Yoyo’s SAL! Here is a picture of it:P2231891

As you can see, I am 1/3rd of the way finished! I think I will take it across the bottom and then work up making the last section the very center.

There will be no card inserts this month as I just do not have the time…

As I sit here and enjoy a bowl of strawberries over pound cake (I can’t call it strawberry shortcake as the strawberries aren’t mushy enough and I don’t have any whip cream), I am trying to decide if I want to work on HalloSAL tonight or not. I am a bit tired after working in the flower shop today. We’ll see how it goes!

You may notice some of my posts being very different in appearance than others. I am trying to decide if I like Windows Live Writer or not. I saw that someone else was using it and thought I would give it a try. So far I am undecided. One thing that is on the Pro side is that you can use more fonts than what blogger allows. Stay tuned…

I hope you all are having wonderful evenings with your families!

P2221889 I will leave you with a picture of Sandy. I caught her “begging” the other day. It was too cute!


Annie Bee said…
Well done on getting 1/3 done. Love the kitty picture.
Judy S. said…
Love your kitty photo! And your SAL is going to be stunning!
Siobhán said…
Awww, Sandy is too cute! Love the stitching progress. :)
Carol said…
Wonderful progress, Julie! Sandy looks like such a fun kitty :)
Can't wait to see the other 2 3rds.What a nice piece. I am wondering if Sandy is in front of an aquarium eyeballing lunch... Cute pic.
Be always in stitches.
Beaupippin said…
Fab work so far, this is going to be quite something when its finished. Well done.
Jules said…
Thanks all, as always! :D

@jayne: No, we don't have an aquarium in our home. I think my dad would have another heart attack if we did (lol); not that I wish that on him or anyone. I think something caught her attention in the kitchen; possibly dad. Whatever it was, she sat up on her hiney et voila!
Chiloe said…
I really love your Dimensions !!! Beautiful ( lots of work though ;-) )
Leeland said…
I'm in love with this Xmas design... And it's no piece of cake, as far as I can see...
Jules said…
Many Thanks again! And, yes Lili, it does have it's moments. The half stitches are done with anywhere from 2 to 6 strands at one time.

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