TUSAL Update
Well, as promised, here is my update for TUSAL for the month of February:

While I haven't done too much in the way of stitching, I did manage to go through my floss that had been piling up, sort it into their appropriate containers/bags, and get rid of the yucky bits. Alas, those bits made it into the TUSAL jar, so that is primarily what you are seeing. The blue bits are from some of the giveaway pieces I am finishing up. Now, I need to find something slender enough and long enough to push the bits down. Now that the holiday is over and the semester is at an end, I have finally picked up my stitching projects again. Last night, I spent a little bit of time on the Christmas Design SAL. I will show a progress picture of that at a later time. Today, I will be frantically (lol) finishing up the giveaway pieces and the PIF piece. I am hoping to get these out in the mail later this week. I will close this post with a few pictures of one of the arrangements my sister designed for Valentine's Day (for one of our regular customers):

The first picture is with my sister. I can never get a picture of her where her eyes are open. She's very sensitive to the flash. And note on the same picture there are two hearts built within the design. I watched her work on those sections and was amazed at how the flowers would bend and not break in order to get the hearts done. Here are a couple of pics of the hearts:
Thanks for the suggestion mollycaff! I will have to find some (maybe swipe the pair of my sister's desk tomorrow, hehe). I don't eat a lot of chinese and when I do it is with a fork, so I generally don't keep chopsticks around.