My Very First Blog Award!!!!!!!!!

Thank you so very much to Drea_Dear for giving me this award! I have never ever received a blog award, so this is especially sweet!!

The rules:
1. Accept the award
2. Thank the person who gave you the award
3. Add a link to the person who gave you the award
4. Put the award on your blog
5. Write 10 things about yourself others may not know about you
6. Pass the award on to 10 others

So, I have done the first 4, now for 5 and 6!

10 Things about me...
  1. I was the first female in my family to serve in the military: US Navy 1992-96, Honorable Discharge as an EN3 (to those of you not familiar with ratings, I was an Engineman, or Diesel Mechanic).
  2. I have been to almost every State in the USA. The only one's left are: Hawaii, Alaska, Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, and North Dakota.
  3. I can speak 3 languages including my native of English.
  4. I am a published poet - not counting my poetry blog; not a paid poet, but published none the less.
  5. I am a disabled veteran. While I did get injured while on active duty, it was not due to serving in a war/conflict zone.
  6. I was raised by my maternal grandmother even though I lived in my mother's home. It is from grandma that I learned the art of photography.
  7. My dream vacation is Iraq! Yes, even though there is much conflict in the region, I dream of one day being able to visit as a tourist and learn more about my field of study.
  8. I went to 5 schools during high school. I began freshman year at DeWitt High School in DeWitt, MI. About midway through the first quarter, I moved to NH to live with my father. I finished 9th at Elm Street Junior High in Nashua and began 10th at Nashua Senior High. Then moved to Derry, NH and finished 10th and 11th at Pinkerton Academy. The summer between junior and senior year, dad moved us to FL and I finished high school at Boone High in Orlando.
  9. My 20th high school reunion is this year! Yes, it's been that long and it flew by.
  10. Even though I was christened Roman Catholic, I became a Christian of my own choosing before I was a teenager. I think I was around 9 or 10.
Now, to pass this on to 10 others...

So many of you have received this award already and I know I will be giving it to you again, so here goes:

  1. Lisa - A Southern Belle Misplaced in Michigan - bear with it, MI isn't all that
  2. Lana - A Joyful Stitcher
  3. Clare - Aimetu's Stitching
  4. Edgar - Blacksheep's Bit of the Web
  5. Laurie - Conversations With A Cardinal - even though it's not stitchy related, she is a beautiful writer!
  6. Jennifer - Feathers in the Nest
  7. Olenka - Olenka's Stitches
  8. Coni - Spinster Stitcher
  9. Lady Frou - Zen of Needle and Thread
  10. Rebekah - The Stitching Frog


drea_dear said…
You deserve it! Let me know if you ever come to Idaho, we can have mashed potatoes. (If I still lived in Seattle it would be coffee, lol - get it, Idaho, famous potatoes...)
Siobhán said…
I enjoyed reading about you, Jules! :)
Leeland said…
Very intesresting! So Apart from English and perfect French (for which I can testify), what's the third language?
Lainey said…
Congratulations on your blog award Julie, enjoyed reading all about you.
I'm with you on the french knots , I hate them as I just can;t do them. Love your little St Patricks finish.
Jules said…
@ Lili: Arabic, but only a few words and not very well in conversation. LOL

Thanks everyone!
Parsley said…
Firstly, thank you for your service in the military.

Secondly, thanks for following. I will be doing the same as I've enjoyed looking through your blog. I have a postcard ready for you. It's on the way!
Laurie Kolp said…
Congratulations...and thanks for giving me the award. I will do try my best to do my part =)
Olga said…
Congrats on your first well deserved award. Thank you for passing it to me.

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