Spring is in the Air!

Well, the temps have been a bit more normal for us lately. Currently it is 70 degrees, but very windy. We did have 2 solid days of rain storms late last week. I spent most of the weekend working on Butterfly and Shamrock Wreath. Here is a progress picture:

I have to say that it started to bore me a little, so yesterday I switched to Christmas stitching. I have one more card insert done for my mom. I will post pictures of them after I complete 3 more. My goal is to complete 4 of them this month since I wasn't able to do any in February.

I am also posting my TUSAL update. Most of the clippings are from the Christmas Design SAL, Coming Home for the Holidays, and the Butterfly design. There are also some scraps in there as I cleaned out my floss a bit more this last month. Here are two pictures, one is in "auto setting" and the other is in "pop art 1 setting":

I did add a "box" to the side bar (on the right) called "Giveaways". I plan to use this section to share giveaways on other blogs. I will list the name of the person and the date of the drawing.


Nima said…
lovely colours for the butterfly. thank you for entering my giveaway and posting a link to my blog
Lainey said…
Love the bright colours on your new start, it looks great!
drea_dear said…
How bright and fun! Enjoy the warm weather - I'm so ready for real spring, even though we didn't even have a "real" winter.

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