And now she’s 1!

Yup, my Sandy is 1 year old now. She has been a joy and sometimes a pain, but hey what cat isn’t? I adopted Sandy from a local vet last summer, about a month after the loss of our beloved Mrs. Beasley. I want to take a moment to share a slideshow of our first year together:

In stitchy news…

I have been sick all week. It started last Friday evening while eating Jordan Almonds. I managed to chip a tooth (#14 for those who know their teeth names!). On Monday, the 19th, I went to the dentist to see about getting it fixed. What I hoped would be just a filling turned into a crown replacement. I am wearing a temp right now and get the permanent crown on May 5th. Can’t wait!!! I am so afraid that the temp will fall off and that I will swallow it. Plus, it’s inconvenient when I eat as I have to chew on the “wrong side”. LOL ! Guess this means I am getting old.

Well, as the novocaine wore off, my throat became sore. I thought it was par for the course, but NOOOO! I have to go and get sick. So, I didn’t accomplish much on the stitchy front, and even less on my thesis. I did manage to get a few pages written this morning to make up for the bad week. What I did accomplish on the stitching is shown below:

 Progress photo on Comin' Home for the Holidays

Start on Ink Circles' Cirques des Carreaux
28ct Lakeside Linen Tarnished Silver
2x2 Carrie's Creations Epiphany

I have decided to stick with the Lakeside on Cirques. After cleaning out my stitching stash, well organizing it a bit more, and finishing a couple of pieces I am now able to better utilize my q-Snaps and the Lakeside stays more taut now. Woo Hoo!! Also, I am in love with Carrie's Creations Epiphany! The colors are just gorgeous (as you can see in the close-up). Now, can I get this done in time for Christmas this year?!?! We'll see! It's going to be framed for my mom to go on her "French" wall in the living room. For some reason, she is really into all-things French. I don't know if it is her dad's heritage seeping through or being around my best friend (who is from Nantes and should be back in the US soon).

And one month later…

Here are some pics of what my orange blossoms look like:

They are starting to form into little fruits! Maybe my dad will catch them early enough to try one and if they are good to eat, then we may have some fresh fruit in a few weeks/months, LOL! A friend of mine in PA already called “dibs” on some, so we’ll see.


Siobhán said…
Happy birthday to your kitty. :) Lovely stitching--sorry to hear that you got sick and about the tooth woes!
Jules said…
Thanks Siobhan!

Life happens. I just have to deal with it. LOL ;D

The upside to all of this is that Sandy has been spending more nights sleeping on her pillow next to me this week. Guess that's a mark for sympathy on her part. hehehe
Olga said…
Your cat is darling, happy birthday to her!
Get well soon and have a good progress on your thesis.
Your stitching is always so pretty.
Have a lovely day!
Anonymous said…
Lovely stitching!!! I was at the dentist last week too... no fun. Hope you feel better soon and have a great week!
Leeland said…
Sandy seems to be a very unhappy cat. Lol! She looks so stressed out and all...
My, these are beautiful pictures, Jules...
The Cirque des carrés is one of those most beautiful projects that I could never tackle with (I mean, to the end! Wow!!!).
Sorry to hear about the tooth and infection, definitely bad news :( . I hope you feel better very soon.
Jules said…
Thanks all!

@Lili - actually, Sandy is a pretty content animal. Many of the pictures I have of her are when she is just waking up or I startle her awake with the flash. She loves us and we love her. Her favorite thing to do is to play "fetch" or "tug of war". She likes to drag a string to me and play with it then she will try to walk away with it and I hold on to the other end and she keeps on going. Sometimes I let go, other times I don't and that's when she comes running back after it.
Jewelcat said…
Thank you for your comments on my blog ! ;-)
Your cat is very cute and your very nice embroidery work !
Marcy said…
Cats are such a joy and Sandy is just precious.
I hope you are feeling better. Being sick sucks -- especially when it gets in the way of stitching.

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