TUSAL Update and a Finish

Yup! It's that time again! TUSAL!!!

I finally got around to taking my update picture for this month. Here are a couple of pictures:

And as you may have guessed it, my finish is ANCHORS AWEIGH! First a little background on the song, which can also be found here:

Lieut. Charles A. Zimmermann, USN, a graduate of the Peabody Conservatory in Baltimore, had been selected as the bandmaster of the Naval Academy Band in 1887 at the age of 26. His father, Charles Z. Zimmermann, had played in the band during the Civil War years. Early in his career, Lieut. Zimmermann started the practice of composing a march for each graduating class. By 1892, "Zimmy", as he was affectionately known by the midshipmen, became so popular that he was presented with a gold medal by that year's class. More gold medals followed as Zimmermann wrote a march for each succeeding class.
In 1906, Lieut. Zimmerman was approached by Midshipman First Class Alfred Hart Miles with a request for a new march. As a member of the Class of 1907, Miles and his classmates "were eager to have a piece of music that would be inspiring, one with a swing to it so it could be used as a football marching song, and one that would live forever."

Supposedly, with the two men seated at the Naval Academy Chapel organ, Zimmermann composed the tune and Miles set the title and wrote to two first stanzas in November 1906. This march was played by the band and sung by the brigade at the 1906 Army-Navy football game later that month, and for the first time in several seasons, Navy won. This march, Anchors Aweigh, was subsequently dedicated to the Academy Class of 1907 and adopted as the official song of the U.S. Navy. The concluding stanza was written by Midshipman Royal Lovell, Class of 1926.

Original Lyrics
[Verse 1]
Stand Navy down the field, sails set to the sky.
We'll never change our course, so Army you steer shy-y-y-y.
Roll up the score, Navy, Anchors Aweigh.
Sail Navy down the field and sink the Army, sink the Army Grey.
[Verse 2]
Get underway, Navy, Decks cleared for the fray,
We'll hoist true Navy Blue So Army down your Grey-y-y-y.
Full speed ahead, Navy; Army heave to,
Furl Black and Grey and Gold and hoist the Navy, hoist the Navy Blue

[Verse 3]
Blue of the Seven Seas; Gold of God's great sun
Let these our colors be Till all of time be done-n-n-ne,
By Severn shore we learn Navy's stern call:
Faith, courage, service true With honor over, honor over all.

Revised Lyrics
by George D. Lottman
It is Verse 2 that is most widely sung.
[Verse 1]Stand, Navy, out to sea, Fight our battle cry;
We'll never change our course, So vicious foe steer shy-y-y-y.
Roll out the TNT, Anchors Aweigh. Sail on to victory
And sink their bones to Davy Jones, hooray!

[Verse 2]
Anchors Aweigh, my boys, Anchors Aweigh.
Farewell to college joys, we sail at break of day-ay-ay-ay.
Through our last night on shore, drink to the foam,
Until we meet once more. Here's wishing you a happy voyage home.

Now, the version we are most familiar with is the Revised version. And yes, it is still played and sung in the Navy. We had to know it in Boot Camp!
And without further ado...Anchors Aweigh:

As I stated in the last post, I decided to embellish it from some uniform pieces I had tucked away. On the top, above the word “Navy” are the awards I received while in service. The purple is the Good Conduct Award, which is awarded every four years (so long as one behaves themselves, or doesn’t get caught, LOL) and next to that is the National Defense Award, which was given at the end of Boot Camp due to the conflict/war situation in Iraq. Remember Operation Desert Storm??? Well, we still fell under that in 1992 for the purposes of this medal. All military personnel were awarded with it during this time period. Guess I lucked out, lol!
On the bottom is the insignia we had to wear on our garrison caps. I believe they are still worn. I have 2 left over, so I used one of them here. And to the bottom left are my rate/rank, initials and the years I was enlisted. You may be wondering why there is a “b” where the “h” should be? Well, I was married at the time and had to use my husband’s name. For purposes of military/VA documentation, I kept his name until last year. I finally changed it over to my maiden and legal name.
Well, that’s all for now!


Carol said…
Anchors Aweigh turned out great, Julie--love how you were able to personalize it with some of your own navy awards/memorabilia! Thanking you (belatedly) for you service :)
Sally said…
Anchors Away looks wonderful Julie. I love the way you've personalised it.

I was wondering if you would like my Dragon Dreams Lost Dragon Sampler chart? I'd be happy to send it to you. My email is my blogger profile.
stitcherw said…
Great finish. I love the way you personalized it, and the extra history you gave was really interesting.
Judy S. said…
Interesting post, Julie. How do I send you a postcard?
Decor To Adore said…
I love to learn about new things!

Thank you so very much for your recent kind thoughts and comments.
Jules said…
Thanks all!

@ Judy, I sent you an email.
Tammy said…
Anchors Aweigh is really nice! I really like how you did something to remember your years of service to our country. I used to enjoy cross stitching but haven't done anything since the few things I did for my daughter's nursery while pregnant with her, which was nearly 5 years ago. I have often wondered if I could do something for my husband to honor his years of service in the Army. Perhaps if I start now, I can finish before he retires in 9 years!

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