May WIPocalypse check-in and a Giveaway

Well, it’s almost here! I am almost 40!! Why do I sound so happy about it you might be wondering. Most people get to this age and act as though their world is coming to an end. I choose to look at it in a positive way: I am STILL ALIVE!!! I know HE has a plan for me and my life. I am thankful everyday that I wake up.

I am also thankful for my stitchy friends here in bloggy-land. Just because we don’t know one another on a personal level doesn’t mean we don’t know one another, right?! So, I am going to celebrate my birthday with you all. I am going to do a giveaway. Yup! I will call it “My 40th Year Giveaway”. What will be included in this giveaway you might ask? Well, stay tuned! I plan to reveal that a little later on, but first here is my check-in post for WIPocalypse:

I put a few stitches into Coming Home for the Holidays (my SAL with Joy):


I plan to work a little more on it this evening.

I also put some more into Cancer Ribbon Awareness by Ink Circles:


I think I am going to finally be getting back into my stitching. It’s been a while and it felt so good to do a little yesterday. Now that things are calming down for me at my job, I am not as tired on the weekends!

Now, a little more about My 40th Year Giveaway. this post will be the official post for entries. The rules are very simple:

You must make one comment on this post!

That’s it! Nothing to it!! Oh, let me know what your birth month is (date too if you are so inclined, but month is all I need).

I will close entries at 11:59pm EST Sunday, May 20th. The actual drawing will be sometime during the day of Monday, May 21st – MY BIRTHDAY!

Be sure to include an email address so I can notify you. Unfortunately, because of one of the prizes I am including, I can only take entries from the U.S.

You can expect something stitched by me and a gift certificate to my favorite restaurant (the item that cannot go outside the U.S. as it is not located abroad), and a few other goodies.

~~~Until next time~~~


McKenna C. said…
Oh wow! Happy early birthday! Your giveaway sounds great! I would love to be entered! My birth month is's also my favorite month! :D

Courtney said…
I would love to be entered as well!! My birth month is March!

Chris said…
Congratulations on the big 40 and welcome to the club!
You are making great progress on the Xmas piece.
I would love a chance at the Fab 40 giveaway.
Thanks! Have a great week!
Terri said…
Happy birthday! I would love to be entered into your drawing. What is your favorite restaurant? Mine is Olive Garden. :-) And my birthday is November 1.

Beautiful stitching. I have stitched that Ink Circles design and finished it into a biscornu. It was a fun stitch!
Catherine said…
Happy Birthday!! I enjoyed my 40th year ~ hope you do to!
My birth month is April.
Lija Broka said…
Congratulations on the progress, and Happy upcoming birthday!
I'm UK so exclude me for the giveaway, but good luck to others.
Kay said…
Happy Upcoming Birthday! I hope you make a great day out of the milestone number.

The progress on your Christmas stitch is coming along nicely. It is tempting me to add it to my stash.

I would love a chance in your give away. I was born in July.

Heather said…
Happy (almost) birthday. My birthday is in May, too. In fact, it's tomorrow. :D
Faith... said…
Please enter me in your contest! My birthday is in August but my son's 30th birthday is May 21st! :)
Faith... said…
ps... my email is
Nicola said…
Happy Birthday to You
Happy Birthday to You
Happy Birthday Dear Jules
Happy Birthday to You.

From good friends and true,
From old friends and new,
May good luck go with you,
And happiness too.
P.J. said…
I enjoyed my 40th birthday! I felt like I was beginning the next chapter in my life. Glad to hear you are excited about it. Hope your stitching blahs are behind you soon, still in a bit of a rut myself.
P.J. said…
Oops, month is June.
Linda said…
Well...Happy Birthday...almost to you!! I love the projects you're working on and I'd love to be birthday month is January. Congrats on turning 40 too...I wish I was 40 on second thought...I like where I am!! Have a great day!!
Virpi said…
Thanks for reminding for this giveaway =D. My birth month is October.
Jennifer said…
I love birthdays, but I think they should stop at 39. After all, this August I will be creeping even closer to 40 too!
Edgar said…
Happy Birthday!!! Throw my name in the mix.... My birth month is October, thx - edgar

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