Update: Anchors Aweigh

Well, I promised an update on Anchors Aweigh and here it is:

I haven’t gotten it finished just yet. I was dealing with such a headache earlier. I couldn’t even concentrate on my studies. Ouch! I called my mom (a nurse) and mentioned that I think I got too much fresh air and that’s why I have a headache, LOL! She disagreed, of course. hehehe... Anyway, as I have been stitching this piece, and especially the cap, I find myself feeling indifferent to the whole design. I guess starting out on a bad thread note doesn't help, but the cap is a bit off even by Candamar's palette. My brain started rolling around and I decided to try to come up with my own Navy sampler. I will incorporate some of my own experiences in the Navy to make it more personalized and the cap will be accurate! LOL!!! And, I also thought about the trinkets I have left over from my uniforms and plan to embellish this design a bit. Maybe that will sway me to liking it more! I do plan to frame it and add it to my "Love Me" wall; that is my Navy wall alongside the huge photo taken during Boot Camp, a couple of group photos taken at Service School, and my Honorable Discharge award and other awards I received while in service.

This is why I think my headache was caused by all of that fresh air:

My dad putting a chair together (look at that shiny head, LOL!):

One view:

Another view:
The Great Pumpkin Conspiracy found a new home and Sandy:

And my dad (far) and neighbor (near) enjoying my new patio furniture:

Yup! I broke down and bought this set at Wal-Mart yesterday afternoon. It’s from Mainstays and called “Sand Dunes”. It was $248 and well worth it! I have spent a few hours between yesterday and today enjoying the screen porch for the first time since moving here in 2006. It’s great to get away from my room and have another room to sit in for a spell. ;D

That's all for now!


Lainey said…
Sorry you had such a headache Julie. Anchors away looks great and I love the idea of your embellishments, can;t wait to see more.
Enjoy your lovely new furniture!
CindyMae said…
ooooh, love the new patio set. Your stitching looks great, and hope your headache is gone! When I seen your dads shiny head, I almost thought I was seeing my own dad!
Carol said…
Hope your headache is gone by now, Julie! Your new stitching looks wonderful as does the patio furniture. Living in Florida, I'm sure you'll get a ton of use out of it!
Jules said…
Thanks all!

@ CindyMae, that's way too funny! I had to share that with him. He chuckled.

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