Stitchy News…

Well, this post has taken some time to get to. I have several small things that I worked on over the past week while I was laid up in bed with an upper respiratory infection. My head was so congested, that after trying to spend a little time on my thesis, I gave up and found some quick designs.

My sister came over one day, before I got all sick and everything, and asked me how I do my back-stitching. I pulled out a bib (aida) and one of the charts I won in a giveaway (thanks again Cindy Mae!) and showed her. She was really impressed with how deliberate I am in my stitching. She said it is much like she is in her floral design. Anyhoo, here’s the bib:

Stitched on 14ct Charles Craft White Aida Bib
DMC Floss colors
Alphabet from Leisure Arts Leaflet #407

I also decided to participate in the Gift of Stitching magazine’s Creative Stitching #6. Here is my rendition, to be completed as a floss tag using Vonna’s tutorial:

Stitched on 18ct Oatmeal Aida
DMC Floss color
Pattern says "I only have red thread" - once stitched in

I am going to change the words to one of the alphabets from the same chart as on the bib. That chart has several different alphabet designs on it, so you know it's gonna see some [more] good use!

I also will be turning this little gem into a floss tag (I think I will get a lot of use out of that tutorial! Thanks Vonna!). The design is from the latest JCS pp 49-51. While it is meant to be a bag, I stitched it so small (oops, lol) that it will be perfect for a tag. Here is a pic":

Stitched on 18ct Oatmeal Aida
DMC Floss Colors: 310, 322, 834, 3051, 3781

I also received a RAK from Sally over at Stitchyangel's Treasures. She was so sweet to RAK me her Lost Dragon Sampler by Jennifer L. Aikman-Smith of Dragon Dreams. She included a sweet little card as well as some floss and beads to get me started. Thanks so very much, Sally! 

And as per her instructions, if anyone out there is interested in this chart after I complete it, please feel free to let me know.

I also won a giveaway recently. Here is a picture of my winnings:

Appalachian Spring. I can’t wait to get started on it!! Thanks Tammy!

Finally, but not least of all, check out my Postcards page for the latest. I received (without expectation of return) a beautiful card from Leavenworth…wait for it…Washington! And you thought I was gonna say Kansas didn’t you!!! LOL Anyway, thanks so much to Judy S! Now I really have to plan a vacation of the Pacific Northwest.

I will post an update later of my Christmas Design SAL progress as well as the finished finishes mentioned above!

‘Til then…


Parsley said…
I'm impressed at your stitching. I finally pulled out my tiny stash and began work on a SAL I'm doing. I'm creating my own block because I wasn't thrilled with the one offered. Wish me luck.

Yep...I'm cheating on getting all 50 states but so many people want to know WHEN I'm having my drawing. I'm going to continue to collect postcards as long as readers, new and old, want to send them but I want this drawing to happen soon. LOL
Lainey said…
Lots of lovely stitching Julie and nice new stitchy gifts. Hope you are feeling much better. Hugs.
Leeland said…
I know how congestion can be disabling, and I'm glad that you're feeling better.
Beautiful smalls, my favourites, at least I do finish them... Lol!
The Lost Dragon Sampler is beautiful, I can't wait to see yours!
Jules said…
Thanks all!

The bib is part of a gift I will be making for my nephew and his fiancee as they are expecting their 2nd child in July (a boy, of course). I am also going to stitch a birth sampler from one of the Donna Kooler books.
Carol said…
At least you were able to stitch while you were ill, Julie! I can't imagine completing a thesis even if I felt top-notch!! Good luck with it :)
You have done so many pieces this year. I am impressed.
Judy S. said…
Hope you're feeling much better, Julie. We've all had the "wedding cold" here. A belated Happy Birthday to your cute orange kitty from Ginger and Mocha!
BonjourRomance said…
Hope you are feeling better. All your work is really lovely. Take care and have a good week,

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