Monday Blahs…

Yeah, I have the blahs today. Actually have had them for a few days now. Don’t want to work on my thesis. Don’t want to stitch. Just sitting in front of the computer playing stupid games. Ok, no more about the blahs. They take up too much of people’s lives! LOL

Loretta, a big THANK YOU for the chart from your last giveaway! I did finally receive it, after some snafu’s with the mailing and the post. LOL…all is well and arrived save and sound. Now, who do I stitch the Strawberry House for and when?!? Lot’s to decide there!

I do have an “orange blossom” update!

Aren’t they getting so big?!? I just hope they don’t spoil before I can ship some to one of my friends. LOL

And I do have a sunset pic to share:
Look at all of that orange! We do get some of the most beautiful sunsets around here.

I found out over the weekend that a gentleman whom I had the pleasure of knowing and working with in Michigan passed last week after a series of illnesses. When I left MI in 2006 for FL, he was in declining health – old age will do that to some people. Well, he finally went to his eternal rest last Wednesday at the ripe young age of 71! You will be greatly missed by all who knew you H.R.S.

I also recently found out that I am going to be a great-aunt again! Not only is my nephew and his lady expecting in about a month, my niece is also expecting her second early next year (no, not the 12 year old)! It is with some apprehension and excitement that I share this news. Please keep her in your prayers that this pregnancy will also go well.

I am picking up more hours at the flower shop over the next few weeks as one of the designer’s begins treatment for a rare pediatric form of cancer in one of his fingers. Fortunately, they believe it is contained to the finger. Unfortunatley, he will be losing said finger. And, this also means even less stitching time for me as I really need to devote my extra time to my thesis.


Parsley said…
Some exciting news in your family. Hope all goes well.

Sad about the loss of the child's finger. Cancer is such a strange, evil disease.
Jules said…
Let me clarify that he is a grown man who is losing his finger. He's around 50.
Erna said…
Hello Julie, hope you're feeling better again...I too have those periods, not knowing what to do, and playing Bubbles hahaha
Jules said…
yeah, Erna, feeling no more of the blahs at the moment.
Siobhán said…
Exciting news in your family, and some sad news, too. Thinking of you! I'm hoping all goes well with the pregnancies.

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