Cats and Dogs and other stuff

I found this really interesting article and since most of us are pet owners I thought I would share with you all. Please click here to read up on which pet is cheaper to own: Cat vs. Dog!!!

Well, I can finally say I have another finish happy-dance! I have to give thanks again to Paulette’s daughter for this cute little design she made recently. I present to you, July 4th:
Stitched on 28ct Opulescent White Cashel Linen
DMC Threads: 902, 820, Ecru
Design by Breanna (Paulette's daughter)
To be finished as a pillow with red fabric shown in picture

I think I may stitch it again, but change the flag to the French flag and the wording to say “le 14eme juillet” in honor of my French ancestry and my best friend! Of course, the colors and the stars will remain within the design because those are what really make it cute, LOL. ;D

I will be updating my Postcards page soon with some that I recently received. I did remove the counter off my side-bar as I am trying to wean out those that congest it. I am also looking for a new background/layout so watch for changes.

Until next time…


Parsley said…
Of course I'll have to look at the pet site. I'll bet dogs are more expensive.
Babs said…
the flag looks really nice. And I think even with the french text it would be lovely.
Carol said…
The little flag freebie is adorable, Julie. You did a wonderful job on it!
Linda said…
You did a great job on the flag...I think a French one would be cute to go with it. I read that article about cats and dogs...interesting!
Janet said…
Cats vs Dogs is an interesting article. Lovely job on your July 4th. It will make a very cute pillow.
stitcherw said…
Cute finish, it will be fun to see it done as a French themed one as well. There could be a whole series of them. :)
Jules said…
Thanks everyone! I will certainly pass along the idea of a series of flags to the designer.
Erna said…
Great flag...and I'm sure the French one will look just as good...later perhaps a Dutch one :)
Jules said…
@ Erna - Great suggestion! LOL...

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