Happy 4th of July

Well, here it is another holiday weekend in the USA. This weekend we celebrate the birth of our Nation ~ our Independence from the Mother Country. Our ancestors fought valiantly for our freedoms. And as fitting as it may (or may not) be, I have finished stitching the Posey Collection’s Civil War. Here is a picture of my finish:

OK, so the Civil War was about 100 years after our Independence, but it’s still patriotic and somewhat fitting to the weekend, LOL!!

I also received a RAK from Suzanne! She was so sweet to send me the Siamese Cats collection. If you remember, Kathy was giving away cats and dogs charts and this was one of them. Well, Kathy contacted me to let me know one of her readers had a copy she no longer needed and voila:

Thank you so much, Suzanne, for your random act of kindness. I know that I will have fun stitching up these charts over the next few years!!!

On the Thesis front, I have 2 completed chapters, 2 to finish (not much left) and the Conclusion to write all by the end of July. On top of that, I will be working the last 2-3 weeks of the month. The real question is, “Will she or will she not make time to stitch?”

Have a safe Holiday weekend to all of my US readers!!!


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