A New to Me Website, A Pillow, and Giveaways

I found a great website called The Frugal Stitcher this afternoon! Many of you probably already know about it as you have many more years working the craft than I do. Well, while browsing their site I came across a new-to-me designer: Imaginating. Specifically, Silly Snobs the Cat! Now, I am a cat lover as you all know and these designs are just sooooo adorable!! I can’t wait to have a full time job again so I can start purchasing and stitching up these cute little kitties. :D

And speaking of kitties, my Sandy is graciously modeling my finished July 4th:


I finished this into a small pillow and will probably keep it on her cat perch/house/annoyance for the time being. Believe it or not, this animal loves to use a pillow when she sleeps, LOL!! And don't ya just love her smile! ;D

I am also looking for any cross stitch patterns featuring “Animal” from the Muppets. That’s how I happened across the above mentioned website.

Now it’s time to get back to the thesis grind. I am almost done – only the Conclusion and finishing up the Intro to go!

Don’t forget to check out some of the great giveaways still happening on other sites listed in my side-bar ---->


Lainey said…
LOL how cute is that cat and pillow! Great finish Julie.
Off to check out the website,thanks.
Carol said…
Aww...I love your kitty with his head on the pillow, Julie!

Good luck on finishing up your thesis--won't you be thrilled when it's all done?
Lana said…
love the pillow!!! Your cat looks satisfied with the results as well! lol
Janet said…
Sandy is a lovely model. You did a great job on 'her' pillow. Our dog loves to prop her head on something when she's resting too. Thanks for the link to The Frugal Stitcher. I love the Silly Snobs' "You Are What You Eat".
Sally said…
Cute piccie of Sandy and youur finished pillow :)
Marcy said…
Sandy looks very comfy with her new pillow -- and comfy is all a cat needs.

Good luck with the thesis!
Olga said…
What a sweet kitty! Congrats on the lovely finish!
Good luck with your theses.
Linda said…
My beloved dog always liked using a pillow. Your kitty is adorable!
Sally said…
Hi Julie. Just replying to your comment on my blog as I don't have an email addy for you. Sherlock is on BBC1 over here and is a modern day adaptation and it is brilliant! There are only three parts to the series but, hopefully, if it's popular enough they will make more. I don't know if you will be able to view it but have a look at http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b00t4pgh It tells you all about it.

We saw the latest film starring Robert Downey Jnr and Jude Law at the beginning of the year and it was brilliant! There is another one next year I believe:)

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