Just another Drive By....

Well, today started out like any other day, but ended wearily! First of all, I was working on the baby sampler last night and found that I miscounted in a huge way! Mr. Frog WILL be paying a visit this weekend, D'oh! 

I still haven't taken a picture for the TUSAL, but will over the weekend when things calm down a bit. That's the next topic:

My dad picked me up from work around 3:15 pm today and said "Take me to Tampa General". Apparently he has been having a pressure feeling on his chest (left side, non radiating) for several days now. Of course he won't tell anyone when he is not feeling well unless it's real bad (i.e. the massive heart attack in 2008 that required a quad bypass). Soooo, I drove him to the ER where his doc told him to go, bleach splashed clothes and all. Let's just say that my blue t-shirt and blue pants are now a bit more on the purple/pink side in certain areas, lol! That's what happens when cleaning buckets with bleach water, but I digress...

Well, around 7:30 pm this evening the doc came in and said they are for sure admitting him and he will more than likely have a cardio cath tomorrow. Of course, I have to work, but there's not much I can do for him at the moment anyway so all is good. Even though he is scheduled for a stenting procedure on Sept 9th, it looks like that will be bumped up to this weekend. Thank God it's nothing like when he had me take him to the ER at o'dark hundred a little more than a week before his 59th birthday. 

I hope everyone else's weekend started off better than mine! If not, enjoy what's left of it...

Oh, and I am not superstitious and don't feel this is a Friday the 13th event of any kind. Just another day in the life of caring for a heart patient. :D


Denise said…
Hopefully, your Friday the 13th will get better.

Mine was pretty great! Mom turned 60 today and my niece was born at 12:30 this morning. Eight weeks early but healthy!

Hope to hear dad is doing better. You'll be in our thoughts and prayers.

Smiles - Denise
Judy S. said…
Those pesky frogs! Hope this finds your dad doing much better! Hugs to you, and glad you were there for him.
Erna said…
Oh Julie hope your dad is ok now, had the same problem with my brother about 4 weeks ago.He's got his stent now and is feeling a lot better, mind my brother is only 48...Take care and away with that horrible frog...
Lainey said…
Julie I hope your Dad is feeling much better and his procedure goes well. Hugs!

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