Quilts on Plum Lane

I have been living in a small retirement community called Zephyrhills (FL) since June 2006. When I first arrived here I noticed that there were virtually no LNS’s near me. I have made mention before as to the lack of an LNS and having to drive more than an hour away to either Silk Road Needle Arts in St. Petersburg or Needle Craft World in Kissimmee, which I don’t mind, but today I decided to explore a local quilt supply shop in Dade City. Now, Dade City is about 10 minutes north of me and I am very familiar with the town since my dad grew up around this area. In 2006 I called and inquired about cross-stitch supplies and the response was they do not carry anything. Today I popped in and took a look at the fabrics they have. As I made my way through the shop I noticed a huge-ish selection of FLOSS!!! Yippee! This will save me a trip to the other stores and internet shopping for some items. They do carry Weeks Dye Works, Presencia, some DMC, EdMar (Iris, Lola, etc), and a few others. I picked up two of the EdMar flosses:

I also picked up 3 fat quarters of Christmas fabby to back some of the ornies I plan to make this year as you can see in the above picture. After all was said and done I walked out of there spending less than $10.00! The bill came to a little more than $10 including tax but ‘lo and behold I walked into the store on one of the 3 days they hold a 30% off sale! Who’d a thunk!!! So the bill shrank to a little more than $7.

After that excitement, I came home to a lovely dinner of DQ’s chili cheese dog and small Buster Bar Blizzard. Yum! As I began to eat, my niece called and asked if I could watch her little one. Of course I said YES!!! Here is Miss Abbie’s adventure with Great Aunt Julie this evening, well part of it anyway:

Since my dad is still in the hospital, I took her with me so she could see Great Grandpa. She had a good time. On the way home we stopped at Barnes ‘N Noble and I picked up the latest Cross Stitch & Needlework, Cross Stitch Crazy, and The World of Cross Stitch. My sole reason for going into that store tonight! Swung through their cafe and got a water for her, a sweet tea for me and a vanilla buttercream cupcake. After getting back to the house I fed her some Chef Boyardee – did you know it was originally called “Chef Boiardi”? – and, well you see what resulted:

Not a bad way to end a Saturday! (although Sandy may disagree...)


Courtney said…
wow - my aunt and uncle live in Zephyrhills, FL, too!!
Parsley said…
I can't wait to see your fabric. What a cute little one...and HUNGRY! LOL
Carol said…
Hey, that is a great tip to check out my local quilting store for threads, Julie! I have one about 2 miles away that I've never been inside--sure would beat a 45 minute drive to my nearest LNS!

Miss Abbie is a doll--I'll bet she just loves visiting her Great Aunt Julie :)
Denise said…
Oh my! Abbie looks like my son did when eating mac and cheese. Clear a space and take off the clothing - the food is going everywhere!

Who would have thought a quilt store would carry hand-dyed floss? Can't wait to see what you do with your goodies!

Smiles -Denise
Jules said…
@Courtney - OMG! I am from DeWitt and still have family in the area (DeWitt and St. Johns). What a small world!!! I have probably delivered flowers to your aunt/uncle down here. What's their name???

@all - Yeah, Abbie can be fun unless her nana (my sis) is around. Then she wants nothing to do with me. I have plans to use one of the colors I picked up in the latest GOS Creative Challenge. Not sure what I will make yet, so stay tuned!
Lainey said…
Love the photos Julie, it looks like Abbie has had a great time, she is a little sweetie!

Enjoy your new stash, gorgeous snowman fabric!
Dani - tkdchick said…
A lot of quilt shops are starting to carry all kinds of floss becuase crazy quiliting and embellishing is quite popular at the moment.

She is adorable!
Marcy said…
Don't you just love a surprise bargain! Abbie looks cute with her dinner on her face :)
Leeland said…
Great stash!
Your nephew's daughter is very cute!
I love your 4th July pillow, if you stitch a French one, only write 14 Juillet. We don't say 14th or first or whatever. Only the number one two three...
Sorry to read about your father's heart. I hope he is better soon.
Take care, Jules,
Judy S. said…
Sounds like a worthwhile trip! Love that spaghetti face. Aren't kids great?

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