

I have been able to get back into my stitching recently and finally have some progress to share. Here is where I am on the Christmas Design SAL:

I am still wondering where in the world Yoyo is, as I am sure everyone else in the SAL is too. I sure hope she and her family are alright. It’s been way too long without so much as a peep from her.

I am going to continue working on this design and get it finished in time to frame and give to my dad for Christmas this year (even if it kills pains me, LOL)! I also have several ornaments I want to stitch and need to restart that Baby Sampler I created. I got almost all the way across the top border on the Sampler and realised that I somehow miscounted either the fabric or the pattern. Anyway, I need to restart it so that it will be finished soooon now that the little boy is here.

Update on my Master’s Thesis: I PASSED! I received an “A” on my Thesis. I am officially through with my MA Degree and will should have the documents in hand in about 6 weeks or so. I had my graduation conference call with my prof and adviser last Friday morning, which went better than expected. My prof asked for permission to publish my entire Thesis in next year’s edition of the Virginia Review of Asian Studies (the same journal one chapter was published in this summer). I am so excited!!! Now, it’s time to find a real job; well after the holidays as I committed myself to the flower shop through the holidays. This gives me time to get some of my stitching projects completed as well!

My goals for the rest of the year are:

  • Finish the Christmas Design SAL
  • Finish the Shamrock Butterfly Wreath
  • Complete at least 1 page on Cirques des Carreaux
  • Finish 5 or 6 ornaments for Christmas for my grand nieces/nephews


Very nice so far. It will be very pretty when it is done.
Janet said…
Congratulations on your thesis and degree! You're making great progress on your Christmas SAL. I'd be further along if I didn't have such a bad case of "startitis" this month.
Sheila said…
It's coming along very nice. I have one very similar I should have finished in the SAL with everyone,
I have been wondering about Yoyo as well. Hope everything is ok.
Sally said…
Your Christmas SAL piece is looking gorgeous. I love this one.

Congratulations on your degree!
Marcy said…
Congratulations on passing! It must be a wonderful feeling for you.
Lainey said…
Julie your christmas piece is looking fab!!
Congratulations on gaining your degree.
Blu said…
Congrats of your MA!
Dani - tkdchick said…
Wow! Congratulatons on finishing your Masters Thesis and getting an A how cool is that? Also gettign published, double cool!

Your WIP is looking so lovely!
Judy S. said…
Good job on your Thesis, Jules! Your SAL is looking great; I too have been wondering about YoYo. That's a cool little show of all your finishes.
Margaret said…
Congratulations on your thesis and degree! I love your Christmas SAL piece too. Wow! There's no way I could stitch something like that!

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