PetSmart – Tuesday’s Show & Tail

My neighbor and I went to a local PetSmart Saturday afternoon in Tampa. While we were there, we checked out the dogs that were up for adoption:

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While walking around the store, we came upon cats:

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You kinda have to look past the glare. The store lights were just terrible to work around, but the frog is the dark blotch with a bit of shine along the nose.

A very cute parrot:

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and Lizards:

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This last puppy (well, he’s actually about 9 years old) reminded me of one from a blog I read. His name is Gizmo:

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I wished I could adopt another cat or two and maybe a dog, but alas I don’t have my own place yet. My neighbor was wishing the same thing when she spotted this little cutie:


No, that’s not me in the background. She was one of the women holding the dog adoption.


FairfieldHouse said…
Thanks for posting this today. So many people over look adoption as an option when searching for a pet. Scout, my Rat Terrier, came via Craigs List. He was only 8 months old and had been in 5 different homes already. He was very timid and I was told he would never be housebroken. I took him to my vet immediately and learned the poor little fella had worms so bad that he developed colitis. After some meds and proper diet he is thriving! I used to work in a pet store when I was in High School and I too, wish I could save them all. The best we can do is tell people to spay and neuter their pets!


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