Well, I hoped…

…to have had a finish over the weekend, but alas I spent it running between work, home and the hospital. Dad was in with an infection in his secum, but he is now home on antibiotics. A sure sign he is feeling better: he is driving me nutso, LOL! I do love him though. He’s the only daddy I have afterall and I don’t think I could stand losing him right now. Here is a semi-recent pic of him:



I have been working on another piece for TGPC. This one is called Happy Howloween by Charles Craft. Of course, I don’t necessarily have all of the recommended floss, but I do have adequate alternates in my stash. I am still trying to get rid of use up some old floss that just seems to be going nowhere fast. Anyhoo, here is a progress pic:


It will be finished tonight or tomorrow night at the latest. I am ready to move on to other things, LOL!

I also recently paid a visit to Quilts on Plum Lane in Dade City. I decided to head up there one morning last week before work to pick up some backing fabrics. While there, I met a lady who is looking for someone to stitch a Gold Collection (Dimensions) piece for her. It is called Leonardo and is really cute. I offered her my stitching skills, but suggested she look at my blog first before deciding. If she decides to ask me to stitch it, I will be working on it after the holidays. I did take some pics while in the shop this time:

IMG_0124 IMG_0125

And here is the stash I acquired:


Over the weekend, in all the running I did, I went to JoAnn’s with my neighbor. I picked up some more stash that I needed. Here is a pic of that:


Ooooh, and I didn’t miss my blogoversary. I just decided that I need to finish up a couple things and then I will hold a giveaway of some sort. I will probably make it a year-end type giveaway so the lucky person will have a neato Holiday gift from me. Stay tuned for more details…


Sally said…
I hope you Dad is feeling much better now.

Love your new start for the GPC. So cute!
Siobhán said…
Nice new start and new stash! I hope your dad is feeling better.
Lainey said…
Hope your Dad is better soon Julie.
Lots of wonderful new stash to enjoy and great new start!

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