Crazy Challenge Day 4

Here’s my start for Day 4:
This one is called Colonial Williamsburg Gardens Petite Sampler. I picked it up in October 2009 while on a working vacation (I was en route to DC for a conference and stopped off in Colonial Williamsburg to see what the fees were and such). I actually picked up a few kits at the gift shop while there. You can’t really tell by the pictures, but I am nearly halfway finished stitching it. I really can’t believe how fast this one stitches up! And I am loving it…
I haven’t gotten around to starting Day 5 yet, but plan to this evening. I wound up having to work all day. Pretty much the same for tomorrow as well.
Until then…


Janet said…
That's going to be a really nice piece. You're doing well on the Crazy Challenge. I'm enjoying some of my pieces so much that it's hard to stop and start something else :-)
Jules said…
@Emily: Thanks so very much!!!

@Janet: I know! I am having that same issue, LOL!!! Last night I had to finally put down Day 5's because my eyes were getting tired.
Marcy said…
Wow! You got lots done on day 4. This one looks great so far.

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