Crazy Challenge Day 5

I am so glad I picked this as one of my designs for this challenge! I really like how it’s looking so far. This is Cream for Kitty, a Dimensions kit:


As you can see, it was a clearance item at one of those craft stores (Michael’s or Joann’s – can’t remember which one), LOL! There are a lot of half-stitches in this one, so it should stitch up relatively quick!

Hard to believe we are 1/3 of the way through the start of this challenge. There are so many wonderful pieces being stitched up. I thought I would share this in general as I may not be able to leave personal comments on everyone’s blog, but I sure am gonna try, lol! ;D

I made a decision, that many of you in this Challenge may have already considered, that I am going to set the first 15 days aside each month to work on these pieces. This gives me something to work towards and the remainder of each month to work on other WIPs (like Coming Home for the Holidays, haha). I have also been tossing around the idea of keeping a stitching journal. That is, a count of the number of stitches I put in. I see that some bloggers have progress meters and I like that idea, so something along those lines. Any suggestions on how to implement them into my blog?

Oh, and I received the "Stylish Blogger" Award from Emmie's Ramblings! Thanks so very much!! The rules are to list 5 things no one knows about me and to pick 5 people/blogs so here goes:

1) I've been married/divorced 2x before age 30 (yeah, the second one should have never happened)
2) I have lived in several states and I am not a military brat (dad was in construction)
3) I love frogs - no wait, EVERYONE knows this already, LOL
4) I have a daughter named Brinea who would have been 15 last week had she lived (miscarried her)
5) I really do like some shades of Pink although I tell everyone that I don't

and for the 5 Picks:

2) Coni

Now, I know some of you may have an "Award Free" blog and that's alright. I just wanted to share with you anyway (I did try to check your blogs to make sure you haven't declared it award free).

Thanks again, Emily!!!

Until tomorrow…


Tracey said…
What a sweet pattern... I've never seen it before. Have fun stitching it!
Marcy said…
How cute! What a good start. I love the kitty just sitting there patiently waiting -- my cats were never that patient.

Good idea about stitching on the crazy stuff -- I never thought about it.

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