Crazy Challenge Days 12 & 13…

Well, these are definitely late in getting posted! The first project is Washington Monument from the Posey Collection:


Next up is Week-end a Paris:


I am not sure how I feel about Paris yet. It looked prettier in the package, but there is still quite a bit to go on it so I may just warm up to it a bit more. Open-mouthed smile I am planning on framing it for my mom as part of her “French” themed wall-art collection. Cirque des Carreaux is the other piece I am stitching for her. I will be picking that one back up next week as time allows.

I have gotten a bit done on my day 14 project and will post a pic of that along with day 15 sometime tomorrow evening as I haven’t started working on Day 15’s project yet. I wound up going to Tampa General to meet my newest little grand-niece. So, without further ado, may I introduce to you Maislin Rosalee!

Maislin, or as we will call her Maisy, made her appearance a week early on Jan 14 at 1:26pm. She weighed in at 5lbs 12oz and 19.5” in length. Her big sister is Miss Abby and according to their momma, Abby just adores her little sister. Yeah, we know that won’t last long, LOL!!!!

Until next time…


Kttycat said…
Awwww shes so darn cute!

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