Crazy Challenge Days 2 & 3

Just a quick visit to share with you my starts on Days 2 and 3 of the Challenge:

Abraham Lincoln Birthplace; purchased at the actual Historical Site in Kentucky; pre-kitted through the Posey Collection.

Cat In Chair; this is actually a re-start as I already started it several years ago and never finished it. I decided to include it in this Challenge and had to use new 14ct White Aida and Floss (the others have long deteriorated or stained). I believe this is a discontinued kit by Janlynn.


Niina said…
You have nice looking sstarts!
Marcy said…
I already love the kitty! Can't wait to see it finished.
Doris Sturm said…
Cross stitch work is so pretty and it takes a lot of patience. You are doing well so far. Will be nice to see the finished project :-)

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