Days 14 & 15–Crazy Challenge

Well, here are the last two starts of the Challenge.


First up is Halloween from Elizabeth’s Needlework Designs. This design is supposed to be stitched over 2 on 35ct Weeks Mocha Linen. I am stitching it over 1 on 18ct Oatmeal Aida. The spiders and birds are supposed to be Smyrna stitches, but since I am not stitching over 2 it is not possible to do the specialty stitching on them. I like the way they are looking anyway, so that’s really all that matters!




Next up is another design from the Posy Collection, Woodrow Wilson’s Birthplace. I had the pleasure of visiting this historic site in Staunton (pronounced Stan-ton), VA while traveling through the Shenandoah and Blue Ridge Pkwys in 2009. It’s quite an impressive place to see!




This is a picture of the front that I took while in Staunton. This is pretty much how the design looks as well! I really love the Posy Collection and highly recommend their designs to anyone who has a love for Americana or American History!!!



Later in the week, I am going to put up a slide show of my works for this challenge including pictures of the covers of each kit/leaflet. I am going to put these aside until Feb 1st when the rotation will begin again! For the rest of January, I plan to work on some of my WIPs and finish-finish an old piece into a pillow for someone special in my life.

Until next time…


Lumiruusu said…
You have started all the 15 pieces ,well done! :)

This Challenge was so great,and I loved to see what everybody was stitching..

I came to say a special "Thank You"
for the honey I get from you before Christams.
I have used it when making the pork and vegetables(carrots,onions etc.) on the oven,
I allways add some pepper, salt,onion powder ,and the lovely honey to the stew.

My kids love that food and so do my DH..

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