Days 8 & 9…

I am a little late in getting this posted. No excuses, just didn’t feel like it yesterday! LOL  I have been reading through your posts and commenting as the mood inspires me to. Anyway…here are the pictures for Days 8 & 9 of the Crazy Challenge:


This one is called The Gardeners by Elsa Williams. As you can see, I haven’tthe gardeners put much into it yet. I think this will wind up being the last one of the 15 finished, lol! I’ve had it in my stash for several years now and can’t figure out why I never started it. Afterall, it is a kit and had everything I needed to get started. Open-mouthed smile


Day 9 is a restart – yes, another one! The Siesta is a pattern based on Gary Patterson’s cartoons. I am almost halfway finished with this one as well, although I will be needing to pick up 2 different floss colors or just make do with what I have on hand. Still debating that one:

P1104421gary patterson cat

What’s really cool is this cartoon was also featured in last year’s calendar! I found out when I was visiting my mom last summer. This was June’s image!





Next up is Try to Relax, another kit I have been holding onto for some time.

Until tomorrow…


Janet said…
Two more nice patterns. I especially like the soft colors of The Gardeners. The Siesta makes me laugh and would fun to watch develop.
Niina said…
I really like them Julie! Happy stitching with them (too)
Kttycat said…
That cat one sure is a cute one!

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