A Finished Finish!

I did a little bit of stitching on Coming Home last night, but not enough to really show a picture of at this time. This afternoon, however, I finally finished Makin’ New Friends into a pillow. The recipient is my step-mom! She made a comment 2 Christmases ago that she loves snowmen and I thought this would make a perfect gift for her, albeit a little late! I am having my dad take it to water aerobics with him tomorrow afternoon to give to her (yes, they have been divorced for 40 years, but they are friends and in an exercise class together, LOL). Anyhoos, here are some pics of the finished product:

Now for some details on the backing fabrics. I used a dark blue fabric with a gold snowflake print on it as a border fabric around the stitched piece. I backed it with the snowman faces (ironically called “Makin’ New Friends”, LOL). I stuffed it with polyester fill, et voila! My sister assures me her mom will like it! I sure hope so!!!


Blu said…
Very cute finish! The backing fabric is adorable.
Doris Sturm said…
Oh, this is lovely and I too love snowmen and the color blue...very nice!

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